News about party games

Here we write about game news and information about upcoming games from Nangarra Games.

Hur gör man ett eget sällskapsspel? - Guide på hur man tillverkar ett eget kortspel eller brädspel

How do you make your own party game? - Guide on how to make your own card game or board game

How do you make your own party game? If you have a good idea for a card game or board game but need guidance through all the steps, you've come to the right place. In this guide from us at Nanga...

Nu lanserar vi Happy Haj, sommar och vintertofflor för barn och vuxna!

Now we launch Happy Haj, summer and winter slippers for children and adults!

Finding comfortable and cool slippers can be a challenge, but now we are launching Happy Haj, a series of summer and winter slippers that meet both comfort and style! Our Haj slippers are ava...

Slutsålt! Varför alla vill ha Sällskapsspelet Generationskampen

Sold out! Why everyone wants the board game Generations Kampen

The generation battle is a party game aimed at four different generations: children, young people, adults and the elderly. The game became extremely popular during Christmas 2022 and it quickly sol...

sällskapsspel uttala ord - Avkrypterat

board game pronounce words - Decrypted

Can you pronounce the word and understand what it actually says? Decrypted is a fun and challenging board game where you have to pronounce words correctly. Read more about the game here: https:...

Äventyrskalender för par - Couples Calendar

Adventure calendar for couples - Couples Calendar

Why you should buy our Couples Calendar - adventure calendar for couples instead of commercial gifts for Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is approaching, and many of us are thinking about what ...

Hur mycket det kostar att skapa ditt eget brädspel?

How much does it cost to create your own board game?

Creating your own board game can be an expensive process, but there are many different ways to reduce costs. Here are some factors that can affect how much it will cost to create your own board ...

Skapa ditt egna sällskapsspel

8 important tips when designing your own party game

Things to consider when creating your own board game When creating your own board game, it is important to consider a variety of factors to ensure that the game is as good as possible. Here ar...

10 tips för alla hjärtans dag 2023

10 tips for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the perfect day to show your partner how much you appreciate and love them. Whether you're looking for romantic activities or just want to have a relaxed day together, there are ...